Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Miracles of Jesus - Session 3 - Knowing the King

  • He flees from the temptation to secret prayer, for here is the source of his strength to resist evil. (E. M. Bounds)
  • I had never seen Jesus as I saw him then. I had seen him as powerful. I had seen him as wise. I had witnessed his authority and marveled at his abilities. But what I witnessed last night I know I'll never forget.
    I saw God. The God who can't sit still when the storm is too strong. The God who lets me get frightened enough to need him and then comes close enough for me to see him. The God who uses my storms as his path to come to me.
    I saw God. It took a storm for me to see him. But I saw him. And I'll never be the same.
Journal Click here

1 comment:

  1. Questions from Peter:

    1. What advice would you give a new believer who has just started on the path of trying to understand Jesus' true identity?

    2. When the crowd wanted to make Jesus king after feeding 5k, Jesus went away to pray. Why do you think he sent the disciples away?
